Question and Answer

Questions about False Beliefs


What is the definition of heresy?

What is heterodoxy? What does it mean for something to be heterodox?

What is apostasy and how can I recognize it?

What are false apostles?

What is false doctrine?

What does the Bible say about false prophets?


What is autotheism? What is an autotheist?

What is Pelagianism?

What is semi-Pelagianism?

What is Serpent Seed doctrine?

Is annihilationism biblical?

What is transhumanism?

What is Kinism?


What is the first earth age? Is the concept of a first earth age biblical?

What is metempsychosis?

What is the transmigration of souls?


Why is skepticism of religion so prevalent today?

What is Christianophobia?

Is religion opium for the masses?

Is faith in God religulous?

Is there any validity to the Zeitgeist movie?